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life with K

Life with K Fall 2024

Life with K

K Alumni and Friends Enjoy an Unforgettable Tour of Germany

In May, Kalamazoo College alumni and friends embarked on a 10-day tour of Germany, led by President Jorge Gonzalez and First Lady Suzie (Martin) Gonzalez ’83. The memorable journey offered historical sights and joyful camaraderie for the 32 guests who attended.

The idea behind the trip was to customize a tour around some of K’s most popular study abroad locations, and Germany emerged as a top destination based on historical data. The trip offered the perfect opportunity for alumni to rediscover the culture of Germany together while also getting a first-hand view of what K students experience abroad today.

Among the highlights of the trip were the magnificent Cologne Cathedral, Vischering Castle in Lüdinghausen, and the Drachenburg Castle in Bonn. In Münster, attendees enjoyed sights including St. Lamberti Church and the historic Prinzipalmarkt. In Hanover, the group enjoyed a lively spring beer festival and a day in the Saale-Unstrut wine region included a vineyard tour and wine tasting. At the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the group connected with a K study abroad student and explored the Erlangen Botanical Garden. In Nuremberg, sights included the Nuremberg Castle and St. Lawrence Church. A visit to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial offered a somber reminder of the past and the importance of remembrance. The tour concluded in Munich, where attendees enjoyed a guided tour of the old city, including the famous Marienplatz, and a traditional Bavarian farewell dinner.

Participant Harold Sutherland ’73 said, “I had studied in Bonn on my foreign study, and I was fortunate to return to the University of Bonn for an exchange fellowship after K. Being back in Bonn felt like being back home, and it was wonderful to meet fellow alumni on a trip like this. It was clear to me that our common experiences at Kalamazoo College helped to shape us as citizens of the world.”

Terri Kline ’80 said, “When I travel with groups, I always learn so much from my fellow travelers. This trip was no exception. I expanded my network of K alumni and got to spend quality time with alumni I already knew. It was especially wonderful to have a Hofbräuhaus beer with my classmate Kim Sullivan Aldrich ’80 to celebrate her retirement from K. And as always, it was wonderful to spend time with President Gonzalez and First Lady Suzie Gonzalez.”

“One of the high points for me was our meeting with a K student studying in Erlangen, along with the administrator who oversees K’s program there,” said Charlotte Hall ’66. “The student, a soccer player, told us he had found a German team to play with, reminding us that the most profound cultural learning often comes in social interactions rather than in the classroom. I came home more grateful than ever for K’s commitment to study abroad—for alumni as well as for current students!”

Life With K
Engaged alumni help move Kalamazoo College to higher levels of excellence. You can advance K’s mission and help build its reputation as one of the country’s exceptional liberal arts colleges.
  1. Identify and recruit prospective students.
  2. Develop students through mentoring and career preparedness opportunities.
  3. Participate in alumni lifelong learning opportunities.
  4. Serve as a volunteer.
  5. Make a charitable contribution.

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