LuxEsto - The Digital Magazine of Kalamazoo College

The Passing of the Gavel


The Kalamazoo College Board of Trustees elected Jody Clark ’80 chair of the Board effective July 1, 2024. She follows Si Johnson ’78 who has been a Board member since 1996 and served as chair since 2019.

Si Johnson ’78 handing Jody Clark ’80 the gavel.
Si Johnson ’78 handing Jody Clark ’80 the gavel.

A retired commercial real estate executive, Clark has been a member of the Kalamazoo College Board of Trustees since 2014 and previously served as vice chair. She has served on the Buildings and Grounds, Compensation, Finance, Investment, and Executive Committees in various leadership roles.

Her passion to serve the College stems from her own experience as a liberal arts graduate. While a student at K, Clark made the most of her K-Plan, participating in LandSea, Career Service, the Philadelphia Urban Semester, study abroad in Madrid and student teaching at Loy Norrix High School in Kalamazoo.

“But above all, the biggest impact on me was several professors who took a personal interest in me,” Clark said. “Dr. Larry Barrett knew just how best to help me grow as a student, Dr. Fred Strobel made economics so interesting I couldn’t miss a class, and Dr. Wen Chao Chen’s ‘City in History’ class was so captivating it led me to my career in real estate development. Dr. Chen also opened doors for me with connections to internship and job opportunities. Of course, there are so many other professors who made my experience at K amazing. They truly made all the difference in who I became as a person.”

These types of transformational experiences and personal connections are hallmarks of the Kalamazoo College education—and how to preserve that tradition, expand access to more students and adapt to a changing world has been a part of the College’s strategic plan over the past several years, and will be part of K’s next strategic plan, which builds upon the College’s previous iteration, Advancing Kalamazoo College: A Strategic Vision for 2023.

Clark said that keeping the College moving forward is among her top priorities as Board chair.

“Kalamazoo College’s legacy as a premier liberal arts institution is one to be cherished and nourished,” she said. “The Board has embraced this history while recognizing the necessity of growth and adaptation. The K-Plan, with its emphasis on study abroad and experiential learning, will continue to complement our excellent academic courses as we refine how best to prepare students for life after K. Our ongoing comprehensive campaign is on a successful track, allowing us to invest in the campus environment and provide enhanced opportunities for our students. By maintaining our commitment to innovation and excellence, we will ensure that Kalamazoo College remains a leader in liberal arts education.”

Even with a clear vision and strategy in place, Clark acknowledged that there are challenges in the coming years that will test K’s resilience and ability to adapt.

“We must navigate the evolving landscape of higher education, marked by shifting demographics, technological advancements, and changing student expectations,” she noted. “Financial sustainability will be a significant concern, requiring innovative approaches to funding and resource management. Additionally, we must address the increasing demand for inclusivity and diversity and ensure that our campus remains a welcoming environment for all. By proactively addressing these challenges, we can continue to provide a transformative education that prepares our students for the complexities of the modern world.”

Despite the challenges, Clark said she is profoundly optimistic about the future of K.

“Our rich history of over 190 years is a testament to our resilience and commitment to excellence in liberal arts education. We have achieved this long history of success by continuously evolving and adapting. The K-Plan provides a flexible structure that allows the institution to adapt its curriculum to meet the needs of students in a rapidly changing world. With the unwavering support of our faculty, staff, students and alumni, I am excited about Kalamazoo College’s future as a leading liberal arts institution.”

Outgoing Chair Si Johnson said the College’s strategic plan has served K well and continues to inform and drive actions taken by the College. He also expressed strong support for the Board of Trustees, noting, “They have great chemistry, they are passionate about Kalamazoo College, and they are steadfast in their support of the institution. We have also made excellent progress diversifying the Board across multiple dimensions.”

Reflecting on his time as chair, Johnson is particularly proud of the work the College did to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

“President Gonzalez and his team identified three critical goals at the outset of the pandemic: keep the community safe; continue to advance students toward their degrees; and maintain employment across administration, faculty and staff,” Johnson said. “The Board was in full support and Kalamazoo College never wavered from pursuing and achieving these goals, despite extraordinary uncertainty.”

He also highlights the success of the College’s Brighter Light Campaign, which is raising funds to provide endowed and annual support for students, faculty and staff, curricular and co-curricular activities, athletics and campus facilities.

“Comprehensive campaigns are critical components that help sustain K, and the Brighter Light Campaign has been a record-breaking success,” Johnson said. “The original goal was $150 million, then as a result of on-going achievement, the goal was revised upward to $190 million. I’m very confident the College will exceed this revised number when the campaign concludes this fall. The results of the Brighter Light Campaign are a clear indication that the many donors, alumni, friends and foundations support the topflight liberal arts education being afforded by K.”

As he passed the gavel on to Clark, both figuratively and literally, Johnson expressed his deep appreciation for the community that he has been a part of and served over these many decades.

“I have three overriding expressions of gratitude for President Gonzalez, the Board and the College’s faculty, staff and administration,” he said. “Thank you for the tireless application of your talents and caring for Kalamazoo College, thank you for helping me grow and thank you for helping me to increasingly appreciate how fortunate I was to attend Kalamazoo College.”

He said, “I have every expectation that Jody Clark will be a great board chair. She is passionate about her alma mater and clearly understands the strengths of and challenges for K. Jody is a quick study, creative thinker and experienced organization builder.”

As for Clark, she said, “Si has been on the Board of Trustees for 28 years. I am grateful for his enduring passion for ‘all things K’ and his steadfast leadership of the Board over the past five years. Under Si’s stewardship, the College faced numerous challenges and achieved significant milestones, including the successful launch and progress of our comprehensive campaign. Of particular note, his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic was exemplary. His vision and strategic guidance have positioned us well for continued success, and we are profoundly grateful for his many contributions.”

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